10 Part Series – The Risks of Hiring a Towing Company in Edmonton That Doesn’t Have Adequate Insurance

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The Risks of Hiring a Towing Company in Edmonton That Doesn’t Have Adequate  Insurance

This is the third article of our 10 part series.  This week we’re going to talk about Insurance.  There are MANY towing companies in the greater Edmonton Region and it’s unknown how many actually carry ‘proper’ insurance.  To take a minute to bang our drum, Tuber Towing is proud to share that we hold multiple insurance policies to cover the various aspects of the work we provide.  Each of these policies are well over the minimums set by various regulation.  There’s unfortunately no way to know without asking.  A towing company that holds the proper level of insurance has no problem providing proof upon request, go ahead and ask.  When you call just say “Can I see your Proof of Insurance?”  And no, it won’t just be a pink card!  Thank you for joining us, lets get into it.

Towing company responding to upside down car in Edmonton

When you hire a towing company in Edmonton, you want to be sure that your vehicle is in good hands. Unfortunately, not all towing companies carry adequate insurance. This can put you and your vehicle at risk in the event of an accident or other incident. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the risks of hiring a towing company that doesn’t have adequate insurance, and why it’s important to hire a company that carries a minimum of $2 Million in commercial liability insurance, especially for heavy towing related jobs.

First and foremost, a towing company that doesn’t have adequate insurance puts you at risk of financial losses in the event of an accident or other incident. If the company causes damage to your vehicle during transport or is involved in an accident that causes injury or property damage, you could be left with significant expenses. By hiring a company with the minimum in commercial insurance, you can ensure that any potential damages are covered.

Secondly, a towing company that doesn’t have adequate insurance may not have the resources to handle heavy towing jobs. Heavy towing requires specialized equipment and expertise, and a company that doesn’t have adequate insurance may not be able to afford the necessary equipment or training. This can put you and your vehicle at risk in emergency situations where heavy towing is required.

Finally, a towing company that doesn’t have adequate insurance may not be held to the same safety standards as companies that carry proper insurance. Companies that carry the minimum in commercial liability insurance are typically held to higher safety standards and are more likely to have the necessary equipment and training to handle heavy towing jobs safely and efficiently.

Protect yourself!  The towing company you hire is supposed to be there to rescue and protect you.  If something were to happen, because things do happen, you could find yourself taking on even more expense and stress if they aren’t insured.  Many Albertan’s pay extra for collision insurance to protect their assets, wouldn’t you want the company helping you in this situation to be insured for similar instances?

In conclusion, hiring a towing company in Edmonton that carries at least the minimum commercial insurance is essential for protecting yourself and your vehicle. By doing so, you can ensure that any potential damages are covered, that the company has the necessary resources to handle heavy towing jobs, and that they are held to higher safety standards.

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